Fox News contributor Tom Homan urged Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on "America Reports" Monday to fully reinstate the Trump administration's "Remain in Mexico" policy before Title 42 ends, saying he'd do so if he "really cared" about the migrant surge at the southern border.


TOM HOMAN: He has not been transparent since day one. I’ve seen the plan, the plan to send more resources to the border to process and release quicker. They are going to spend almost a billion dollars building soft-sided facilities, they're going to staff them with NGO, open border advocates, and when you process people and release them even quicker, the cartels are going to use that as another selling point that -- look, you are not even going to be in detention for a few hours. They will process you immediately upon apprehension and let you go. That is his plan. He has not got anything in the plan about enforcement posture. 

And even with Title 42 in place, we are on a scale right now to beat last year’s numbers by half a million with Title 42 in place. What the secretary needs to be told by members of Congress, OK, maybe you don’t control the C.D.C. and Title 42, but do control the "Remain in Mexico" program, which a federal judge has ordered you to re-implement. You are slow-rolling it; 5% remain in Mexico the way the Trump administration did it. If he really cared about the surge at the border, really wanted to address when Title 42 gets lifted and 18,000 a day, then put the "Remain in Mexico" program back in the way the court ordered you to do it. And if he doesn’t, he ought to be held in contempt of court.