Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., told "Fox News Primetime" Tuesday that while China's communist leadership may consider themselves a "net winner" of the coronavirus pandemic, they are "losers in the worldwide court of public opinion."
SEN. JOHN KENNEDY: Sometimes falling feels like flying for a little while. China may believe -- and even boast that they’re a net winner as a result of the coronavirus, but I think it’s a loser. They’re certainly a loser in the worldwide court of public opinion. The Chinese people are good people but the Communist Party lies. They lie like they breathe. They lied about the virus. We’re now gathering evidence that the virus not only originated in China but it might have originated from the Wuhan lab.
Number two, I know China says it's doing well economically. But once again, the Communist Party leadership lies like it breathes. We’ve never been able to trust their numbers.
President Biden needs to enlist the support of other democracies throughout the world, Canada, the U.K., Australia and New Zealand, the E.U., South Korea, India, go to China and demand, not ask, but demand full disclosure.