Hannity: White House trying to 'buy time' for 'cognitively struggling' Biden

Fox News host asks: 'What is going on with the president of the United States?'

Sean Hannity believes the Biden administration is trying to conceal the fact of the president's "decline" in acuity. 

"What is going on with the president of the United States, Joe Biden? Seriously. What is wrong?" the "Hannity" host asked rhetorically. "The American people deserve answers. He barely has any public events. His vice president, Kamala Harris, is taking solo calls with world leaders. That would be the commander-in-chief's job."

Hannity noted reports that Biden often goes to bed before prime-time television hours, contrasting that with former President Donald Trump, who was often up into the early morning hours.

Hannity went on to criticize White House press secretary Jen Psaki for declining to give a firm answer to when Biden's first solo press conference will be. The president is expected to address the nation Thursday night about the ongoing coronavirus pandemic response. 


"See what is happening here? They are clearly trying to buy time," Hannity said. "They absolutely know that Joe Biden is struggling cognitively. He is a walking liability ... He can barely read from a teleprompter."

The host added that he had "a theory on how this is all going to play out. Uncharacteristically, for now, I'm going to keep that to myself. I will share it in due time."

Hannity asked why White House staff is "continuing to hide President Biden? What do they know? You, we have a right to know."


"More importantly, what did they know about Biden during the campaign? Who knew what and when? ... The people surrounding Joe Biden knew that the real Joe Biden was his campaign's biggest liability."

Further, Hannity said, "every single Democrat needs to be asked, do they see Joe struggling cognitively? It is a legitimate question. It's a question that Democrats and the media mob had no trouble asking about Ronald Reagan in 1984 ... they had no problem raising these issues with John McCain when he was running in 2008 ... The guy now fast asleep at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, that's not the same guy I remember just four short years ago."

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