Sean Hannity: If Ukraine defeats Russia, it will be in spite of Joe Biden

Hannity argues what happens in Ukraine has worldwide consequences

Fox News host Sean Hannity ripped President Joe Biden over his handling of the Russia-Ukraine war on "Hannity" Thursday, saying that the president is "dragging his feet" on actions that would help Ukraine.

SEAN HANNITY: We begin with Biden's feckless policy as it relates to the war on Ukraine waged by Vladimir Putin. He dragged his feet on major sanctions. He dragged his feet on blocking Russian oil imports. He dragged its feet on sending the aid, the lethal aid needed by Ukraine. He dragged his feet on resupplying Ukraine's army with ammo, javelin, Stingers, air defense systems and now he's dragging his feet on the MiG-29 fighter jets that Ukraine desperately needs, that Poland wants to give them. He vetoed it.  

As a result, Ukraine is now struggling to defend its skies and thousands of innocent civilians are now being murdered with Russian bombs. Every single day that Joe Biden is dithering and waiting means more innocent men, women and children will die? How many more mass graves do we need to see before we recognize that he's targeting civilians? 

Now, we're also witnessing a modern-day genocide at the hands of an evil murdering thug. And why some people defend him? I have no idea, but as Speaker Gingrich … points out, "Biden says no to Ukraine's Zelenskyy and keeps America in the back seat."  

So, make no mistake, what happens in Ukraine will have consequences all over the world, and you better believe that other hostile regimes like China, the mullahs in Iran, they're watching … while Joe is forging ahead with this idiotic new nuclear deal with Iran still being negotiated, believe it or not, by Russia and China. How does that make sense? Or, as the National Review put it, "Biden caves on sanctions over Russia's war crimes against Ukraine to preserve Russia's sponsorship of terrorist Iran's nuclear program." 

By the way, Putin may get a $10 billion nuclear facility that he builds in Iran out of this deal, according to reports. So, an important question tonight: How can anyone on Earth actually at this moment be trusting Russia to broker a deal with the Iranians and our country? I cannot emphasize enough. This is madness. This is insanity on a whole new level, but back to Russia's invasion.  

Now, if Ukraine is able to win this war, it will be in spite of Joe Biden and it's a big if, but the benefit would be America's enemies hopefully will start thinking twice before waging future conflicts.... I doubt that's going to be the outcome because they see a weak, frail cognitive mess in Joe Biden. They don't see the smartest person in Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi has her own cognitive struggles and now more than ever, we need the policy of Reagan and Trump, and that's peace through...strength. 

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