Hannity lambasts Clinton's Durham denial: 'Always ethical Hillary Rodham Clinton'

Hannity says she's blaming her enemies

Sean Hannity blasted Hillary Clinton's response Wednesday to Durham report findings.

The "Hannity" host said, "It's another vast right-wing conspiracy. At least according to the always honest, always truthful, always ethical Hillary Rodham Clinton … The two-time presidential loser broke her silence and announced that the Durham filing, which all but accuses her campaign of, you know, kind of looking at the other campaign — to say it politely — was fake news pushed forward by Fox. Really? According to Hillary, this is just another case of her enemies trying to smear her sterling reputation."

U.S. Attorney John Durham ( Bob MacDonnell/Hartford Courant/Tribune News Service via Getty Images)

Clinton said, "Trump & Fox are desperately spinning up a fake scandal to distract from his real ones. So it's a day that ends in Y. The more his misdeeds are exposed, the more they lie."


Hannity cast doubt on whether Clinton is a trustworthy source. 

"Don't worry if there's someone you can really trust to give you it straight, it's Hillary Clinton, right?" Hannity asked. "Remember the same Hillary who lied about the private server, the same one that lied about classified material on that private server? The same Hillary that lied about whether she wiped the server clean with like a cloth? The same Hillary that lied about Benghazi and about that trip to Bosnia under sniper fire. The same Hillary Clinton who lied about Whitewater and her husband's many sexual transgressions. Let's jar your memory, shall we?"

Former Secretary of State Clinton testifies in Washington before the House Benghazi Committee.  (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

Hannity pointed out that blaming unflattering news on right-wing conspiracies is part of Clinton's playbook.


Amid Bill Clinton's sexual scandal in 1998 Hillary said, "This vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president."

Hannity responded, "In reality, it was never a vast right-wing conspiracy at all. Bill did, in fact, have sexual relations with that woman and many other women, apparently. Hillary knew exactly what was going on, and she chose to lie about that and so many other things. That's because Hillary Clinton, by the way, is a world-renowned liar. Now that's what she does day in and day out."

"And given what we know, ask yourself this question: Are you going to trust an official court filing from a special prosecutor? Or do you trust Hillary Clinton? I think the answer could not be more obvious."

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