Sean Hannity: The Biden family syndicate is in deep trouble

Biden did not write a letter of recommendation for any of the millions of Americans, but he did for a Chinese foreign national, Hannity said

Sean Hannity condemned President Biden Wednesday for lying about his knowledge of Hunter Biden's international business deals.

SEAN HANNITY: In his weakened cognitive state Joe Biden might not realize it, but the entire Biden family syndicate is in pretty deep trouble. Each week, new information is emerging from Hunter’s laptop from hell that connects Joe to his family's illicit business dealings. Today, a brand-new bombshell report from reveals that in 2017, Joe Biden actually wrote a college recommendation letter for the son of Hunter’s Chinese business associate, and guess what, sent it directly to the president of Brown University. How could this possibly be? Remember on the campaign trail, Joe over and over again, Joe, you swore, you promised that you never once discussed Hunter’s foreign business ventures. You said it again and again and again. 

If Joe Biden never once spoke to Hunter about his foreign business deals, how and why did he end up writing a letter of recommendation for the son of Hunter’s Chinese business partner? And why were Joe and Hunter pictured together with Hunter’s favorite Kazakhstan oligarch? Why were they also pictured together with Hunter Biden’s Mexican business associate, foreign business dealings. Why did they go golfing with Hunter’s main business partner, Devon Archer, who served with Hunter on the board of Burisma in Ukraine, the Ukrainian oil and gas conglomerate? Archer, by the way, was just sentenced to federal prison for fraud. So why was Joe Biden meeting with these people, lying about it? Did he over them a favor? And why did he lie about it? And when is he going to come clean about it? Really makes you wonder just how many favors the Bidens owe shady foreign nationals.

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