GOP Indiana congressional candidate and Air Force reservist Jennifer-Ruth Green joined "The Ingraham Angle" Monday, saying Democrats are politicizing race and trying to use Black voters to get themselves elected.

JENNIFER-RUTH GREEN: In this country, we need IDs for literally everything, and it's honestly insulting to say that Black Americans can't get IDs, won't get them. It's just a Trojan horse and another hat trick to continue to politicize race that we consistently see from the top and the elites and the Democrats consistently striving to use race to pander. They're not focused on the clear things like election integrity. They're just focused on getting Democrats elected, and it's shameful.

Black people, African-Americans, we are not a monolith, right? And you can't just continue to conceptualize us as a single factor. We are not stupid. And we see the clarity of all of the failures that continue to exist. We see the crazy skyrocketing of prices. We see the energy costs that we're continuing to pay for. We see the poor border security. We see the poor international relations, and that's continuous. And so Black voters are not stupid. And as we continue to focus just in general about seeing how 18 months ago we were better off as a country, we're going to continue to see Black voters reengage and see and focus on the truth.