Gen. Kellogg: Russian forces ‘not doing very well at all’ in face of stiff Ukrainian resistance

Retired general says Putin likely believed Ukraine government would be ousted in days

Gen. Keith Kellogg (Ret.) said Monday that Russian soldiers are meeting tougher than expected resistance as they try to overcome Ukraine forces.

"I don’t think they are doing very well at all. They have been delayed, they are slow. They are following the tactic called I.F.R., I follow roads. I kind of wish we had our air forces up against them because we would have eliminated them almost immediately. The Ukrainian resistance has been incredibly strong and pushing them back," Kellogg said on "Outnumbered."


The Fox News contributor and former national security adviser for VP Mike Pence said Vladimir Putin likely believed Russian forces would be able to take over Kyiv and oust the government in a short period of time, however, they have been unable to do that.

"It really does start to stress them to a large degree. You can only keep troops like that moving so long so far before they start questioning what’s going on and what is happening," Kellogg said.

Kellogg said he thinks Russian military leaders are starting to question the outcome of the invasion as Russian forces are not "performing well."

"It’s embarrassing the Russian army to the rest of the world," Kellogg said.


Tens of thousands demonstrate in Cologne, Germany, during a peace march against the war in Ukraine on Shrove Monday, Feb. 28, 2022. The traditional carnival Rose Monday Parade in Cologne was cancelled due to Russia's war in Ukraine. Instead of the parade, the political carnival floats were placed in the city followed by a peace protest of revelers. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)

However, despite Ukraine's efforts, they will not be able to defend their homeland much longer. Russia has an advantage according to experts' calculations.

Although Ukrainian forces have pulled off an extraordinary feat in holding off Russian forces for days, Putin’s superior manpower and weaponry will likely triumph at a substantial cost to the autocratic leader and his people, experts told Fox News Digital.

"It is nothing short of remarkable what the Ukrainian military has accomplished," said U.S. Army Gen. Jack Keane, who serves as chairman of the Institute for the Study of War.

"But I think despite the fierceness of the Ukrainian resistance, they are overmatched by the Russians, and the Russians will eventually prevail," Keane predicted.

Ukrainian forces, which by some estimates are outnumbered by Russian troops two to one, have stalled the Kremlin’s advance on three of four avenues of approach. 


While Ukraine is able to hold off Russian forces, the U.S. should still send necessary aid, Kellogg said earlier on "The Faulkner Focus."

The former general added that Javelin "anti-tank systems" provided by the U.S. have been very helpful to Ukrainians.

Members of civil defense prepare Molotov cocktails in a yard in Kyiv, Ukraine, Sunday, Feb. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)

"I don’t think they are desperate but need more because they are using a lot of them," Kellogg said after noting that the anti-tank systems have been "eating up" Russian forces.

"They need more of that. They need more equipment and we should provide that. We should be making it an unsinkable aircraft carrier, the more stuff we give them the better off. They shouldn’t have to build Molotov cocktails. We should help with other equipment as well."

Fox News' Rebecca Rosenberg contributed to this report.

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