Rush Limbaugh says Democrats are 'looking for four Jeff Flakes' in Trump Senate impeachment trial

Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh said Tuesday that part of the Democrats' strategy during President Trump's Senate impeachment trial is to find "four Jeff Flakes" within the Republican caucus to challenge Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's proposed rules for the trial.

"Their primary focus [Tuesday]... They are targeting four Republican senators to vote with them to go against McConnell’s rules to open it up to new evidence and new witnesses," Limbaugh said on his nationally syndicated radio show.


Limbaugh reminded his audience that former Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., had "wimped out" during the fight over Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Flake was set to vote to confirm Kavanaugh in 2018 before he was cornered in an elevator by protesters, including a woman identifying herself as a sexual assault victim.

“Look at me when I’m talking to you, you’re telling me that my sexual assault doesn’t matter,” she yelled at Flake, in a confrontation caught on video.

Following the elevator incident, Flake said that the Senate Judiciary Committee should delay voting on Kavanaugh's nomination by one week so the FBI could look into sexual misconduct allegations against the nominee, admitting afterward that the elevator moment “certainly struck a chord” with him.

"Flake was terrified. He turned whiter than your average white cake. He was scared to death," Limbaugh said of Flake. "CNN was right there, and they had their own cameras, and they were screaming at him. And he was white as a sheet. He could have been a Klansman for all anybody knew. And then the Drive-Bys got it, and they put it on a 24/7 loop."

"And it looked like Jeff Flake was singularly targeted because he was a bad guy," Limbaugh added. "And, of course, he fell hook, line, and sinker."


Limbaugh told his audience Democrats will use the same tactics during the impeachment trial and warned Republicans that they would be fine as long as they don't break with Trump.

"This is what they’re gonna try to do. I’m reminding you of this to prepare you," Limbaugh said. "You Republicans have no need to be worried, is my point, especially [not] worried if you align with Trump. Your problem’s gonna be if you break with Trump, that’s where your problem’s gonna be. Look at Flake."

Fox News' Adam Shaw and Robert Gearty contributed to this report.

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