Rush Limbaugh slams media for 'setting all-time lows' by claiming Trump called coronavirus 'a hoax'

Rush Limbaugh ripped the media and Democrats Monday, accusing them of "lying" by claiming that President Trump called the coronavirus outbreak a hoax and comparing the press' behavior to how they acted during the Russia investigation and the Ukraine controversy.

"The coronavirus panic, the media has reached, it has now equaled the same level of irresponsibility that they had achieved during the Russia collusion hoax and whatever Trump supposedly did on the phone call to [Volodymyr] Zelensky, the new president of Ukraine," Limbaugh said on his nationally syndicated radio show. "This is outrageous what these people are doing. They’re literally lying about Trump claiming the virus is a hoax. They’re lying about me claiming that the virus was created by the deep state."


"Donald Trump never said that the virus is a hoax. He said that the way the media is using it is a hoax," Limbaugh said. "The same thing I’ve said. They said that I said that the deep state created the virus to weaponize it."

The Trump campaign denounced media coverage of the president's Thursday rally in South Carolina, arguing that they falsely accused Trump of calling the coronavirus a "hoax."

During the rally, Trump said that one of his associates suggested the Democrats were perpetrating a hoax like they purportedly did during the Russia investigation.

"One of my people came up to me and said, 'Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia, that didn't work out too well. They couldn't do it. They tried the impeachment hoax,' that was on a perfect conversation, 'they tried anything, they tried it over and over and they've been doing it since you got in. It's all turning, they lost, it's all turning -- think of it, think of it, and this is their new hoax.'"

A long list of major media outlets and figures made that claim. "Trump rallies his base to treat coronavirus as a hoax," a Politico headline read. Another from NBC read: "Trump calls coronavirus Democrats' 'new hoax.'" Similar headlines appeared in The Guardian, Talking Points Memo and in a video for NBC's "Today."


The conservative radio talk show host said the media and Democrats are setting "all-time lows."

"It’s panic city, sitting out there telling everybody the president’s calling it a hoax, which he hasn’t done. It is so irresponsible," Limbaugh said. "It’s the epitome. These people have gone beyond the realm of irresponsibility in the first two years of the Trump administration. They’re setting all-time new lows — or highs, depending on how you want to categorize it."

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