Florida Sen. Marco Rubio discusses with "Hannity" the left's radical policies when it comes to immigration and the influx of migrants the U.S. is already seeing.

SEN. MARCO RUBIO: Yeah, that's right. Look, I think that what's happening here - that's the tip of the iceberg by the way - the stuff that you're seeing now is the tip of the iceberg. As an example, in Florida, you know, there's this Pelosi puppet, this Congresswoman Val Demings, that Chuck Schumer handpicked to run against me. And she's in favor of like open, completely open borders, of allowing illegal immigrants to vote, if not deporting people, even if they're gang members. She's raised thirty-something million dollars for her campaign as a result of these stances, This is, I think, the Speaker Gingrich was on just a moment ago, and he talked about how this is how about values, this is about principles, and they're wacky. These are radical ideas. And what you're seeing, the images you're seeing are just the tip of the iceberg of what, the kind of agenda these people want to follow. No country in the world would allow the lawlessness that we have with our immigration system. None.