Sen. Ron Johnson: Media 'complicit' in Hunter Biden laptop scandal

It is obvious Joe Biden is compromised, claimed Sen. Ron Johnson

Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin slammed the media for revealing ‘minimal information' on the Hunter Biden scandal, Wednesday night on ‘Hannity.’ 

TOM COTTON: It was obvious Hunter's laptop was authentic. As soon as you started seeing the information from it, but the media has been complicit. Here's a few more details. Hunter Biden knew exactly who he was dealing with. You know, he called Patrick Ho, the spy chief of China. He knew that Devon Archer was involved in it...Eventually, we proved that he was involved in fraud against Indian tribes. He was convicted of that. Devon Archer met with Joe Biden in the White House in April 2014, right around the exact same time within a couple of days when Devon Archer became a board member of Burisma. A few weeks later, Hunter Biden became a board member. So, this is an enormous, tangled web of, you know, a vast web of financial foreign entanglements. And we've known this all along. And as Tony Bobulinski said, Joe Biden is compromised.


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