DeSantis spox accuses Miami Herald of 'tabloid journalism' ahead of Friday report

The paper has previously published conspiracy theories from fired FL health official that has accused the DeSantis admin was altering COVID data

The office of Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis appears to have preemptively responded to a Miami Herald report that is set to be published on Friday. 

DeSantis Communications Director Taryn Fenske took to Twitter on Thursday evening offering a "sneak preview" of "what you most likely won’t see" in the Herald's "Overplayed," "Inaccurate," "Fabricated," "Manufactured Conspiracy," "(Not) BREAKING NEWS story."

"I must add that it is truly disappointing to see the Miami Herald dying, losing their building, and their reputation, but not shocking to understand why," Fenske wrote in a message. "Engaging in tabloid ‘journalism’ by providing consistently slanted coverage and attempting to elevate a conspiracy theorist who continually misrepresents not only her qualifications, but her time spent employed with the state, is not what people care about. They care about their families, their communities, and how government works for them - not TMZ style, overplayed tabloid commentary."


Fenske is likely referring to Rebekah Jones, the former Florida health official who was accused of inventing a conspiracy involving the DeSantis administration ordering her to alter the state's COVID data in order to push reopenings last year.

The DeSantis spokesperson continued, "Let me know if/when the Miami Herald decides to start writing unbiased articles, and I will be happy to provide timely, in-depth responses." 

Monica Richardson, the Miami Herald executive editor, told Fox News on Friday after the publication of its story, "We stand behind our coverage and the facts as we reported."

Fox News also reached out to Gov. DeSantis' office for comment. 

The Florida newspaper was recently panned for an editorial praising Jones for receiving "whistleblower" status.

"The DeSantis administration has worked long and hard to discredit Rebekah Jones, fired last year from her job as a data analyst after she accused state health officials of pressuring her to manipulate certain coronavirus numbers. She has stood her ground for a year, and last week, the Florida’s Office of the Inspector General firmed up the earth beneath her feet," the board wrote on Saturday. "Friday, the IG’s office told Jones’ attorneys that she is a whistleblower, officially. This will afford her certain protections, plus the possibility of reinstatement or compensation."


Jones' allegations were recently dismantled by National Review's Charles Cooke in a devastating report, which concluded that she "single-handedly managed to convince millions of Americans" that DeSantis "has been fudging the state’s COVID-19 data."

Cooke outlined Jones' history of shady behavior and poked holes in her story, including the major revelation that she "did not have the ability to edit the raw data" in Florida's COVID database. The report also accused her of highly dramatizing the police visit she had late last year as the result of a valid search warrant. 

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