Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., told Neil Cavuto Tuesday that he expects a surge of people and fentanyl at the U.S. southern border, warning of the imminent effects of President Biden rescinding Title 42

BILL CASSIDY: I envision a lot more people coming here crossing the border even more than they have and a lot more fentanyl. The amount of illegal fentanyl being caught at the border has risen about 1000%. And what the human traffickers do is they create a diversion, putting a whole bunch of folks over here, and then they run the drugs around over there. So we can expect both a surge of people, a surge of fentanyl…and that means we'll have more opioid deaths to go with these two surges.

fentanyl border patrol

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is seeing a record number of seizures of fentanyl. (Courtesy DEA)

The Biden administration has consistently lowered barriers for people to come here illegally relative to the previous administration. And it's clear there's an expectation that it's going to be easier to get across. This is one more example of it being easier. If folks want to get here, and they know they have to come here through, you know, not through legal mechanisms, but through illegal mechanisms, they're going to look for any ray of hope that this is our moment. I don't think the Biden administration has ever gotten that psychology down. We need to control our border. For many reasons, among them, those that Title 42 is used for, they continue to relax these kinds of ways we control our border, and we get more people. It seems pretty logical to me that's what's going to happen.