Rep. Swalwell on COVID aid: Trump 'hasn't been able to make a deal at a garage sale'

Relief funds to state governments are not partisan bailouts, Swalwell says

President Trump has been frustratingly unable to forge a deal with Congress on coronavirus relief funding, including with state governments whose revenues have been impacted, Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., claimed Wednesday.

Swalwell, a former 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, claimed on "The Story" that, despite critics' concerns, there are more than just Democratic-run states that need federal help.

Republicans have been wary of sending money to places like New York and New Jersey, which they say already suffer from systemically bad fiscal management.

"My family and friends in Florida where the governor today has announced that no Floridian will receive unemployment because they've run out of money -- they could use the money," Swalwell said.

"In Texas where they say it's a $4.4 billion deficit, they could use the money. This is really seeing us all as Americans not as red states and blue states."

In response, host Martha MacCallum read from a Wall Street Journal editorial expressing that there is no reason for Trump to "give a break to swing-district Democrats that are shouting at [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi, D-Calif., to make a deal" because her caucus has sought to "bail out progressive politicians in blue states" before concerning themselves with "genuine COVID relief."

Swalwell dismissed the criticism, remarking that Trump's famous 1987 book boldly contrasts with his actual negotiating acumen in that regard.


"Again, Donald Trump is the president of every state and the need is in every state. We have passed the HEROES Act. We've done our job. We're ready to negotiate. The only person that has failed to negotiate is the person that wrote a book called 'The Art of The Deal'," said Swalwell.

"He hasn't been able to make a deal at a garage sale, but I'm excited that he's expressed a willingness to go up and meet the need."

Earlier Wednesday, Trump stunned some members of his own party when he opened the door to a slightly pricier COVID aid package than the GOP was essentially hoping to forge. He, however, stopped short of endorsing the massive price tag previously floated by the Democrats.

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