Ronny Jackson says Biden may have tried to cut corners on COVID vax approval: 'Real problem'

FDA communications reveal Biden's push for premature COVID vaccine approval, GOP claims

Rep. Ronny Jackson told 'Fox & Friends Weekend' that the House COVID committee is discovering that the sped-up vaccine approval was for political reasons, not safety concerns. The Texas Republican and physician told Johnny Joey Jones, Sunday, that the Biden administration pushed the FDA to approve the vaccine sooner than they should have. 


REP. RONNY JACKSON: Well, the Biden administration sped it up. People from the EOP were pushing people at the FDA. Dr. Gruber actually resigned in protest because she said 'this is not how this process is supposed to work. We cannot review all this information in this short period of time. It's unsafe.' And Joey, they had set the date for January of 2022. Mind you, the process didn't even start until July 16 of 2021. And after Dr. Gruber left, you know, when they approved it, they approved it in August 23rd of 2021, five weeks after it started, five weeks after the process. It was approved in five weeks. It was supposed to take, you know, initially 10 to 12 months and then six months with the expedited process…

Here's the kicker. Why did they do that? Because they had been talking for some period of time about vaccine mandates. The Biden administration knew that they were going to have a real problem trying to push vaccine mandates, using a vaccine that was being administered under emergency use authorization. They started talking about the military, about, you know, health care workers. And so that's what they did. The day after it was approved on August the 24th, DOD secretary mandated it for all members of the military, and CMS followed right after that. There's a lot here. 

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