American Enterprise Institute senior fellow Matthew Continetti and radio host Hugh Hewitt sounded off on inflation and the abortion protests at Supreme Court justices' homes Friday on "Special Report."

HEWITT: The markets are very upset and [Sen.] Ted Cruz is right on the mark. The president can go out every single day between now and November and tell everyone the economy is great and it's the best economy that's ever existed. They're paying $125 at the pump to fill their truck. They know what the grocery bill is. And the 30-year fixed mortgage went back about 5% for the first time since 2010, I believe. It's got to go higher. It's going to go higher. We're going to get a half-point interest rate almost every two months for the next year. It's really impossible for the president to cover the disaster that has unfolded for the average American consumer.

CONTINETTI: We have to reestablish the distinction between the private sphere and the public sphere. It's one thing to have a protest in front of the Supreme Court building, if this opinion becomes the final ruling. It's another thing to go into churches, to target people's homes. That is violating the distinction that all civilized societies make between private and public. And it's a reminder that if this opinion becomes the holding decision, it's going to restore abortion law to the states and democratic procedures. And that means the rule of law, not mob rule.