Social media users on Reddit were not so patient with a young woman after seeing a post about her throwing a fit and storming out of an engagement dinner because the hosts didn’t accommodate her vegan diet.

Reddit users slammed the woman, accusing her of choosing to "weaponize" her veganism, being "unbearably rude," and needing to be the "center of attention."

A Reddit post shared by the man who hosted the engagement dinner on behalf of him and his fiancée went viral recently for the scathing reactions it garnered against his disgruntled dinner guest.


A plate of food is shown with candles and wine during the "Diner en Blanc" event at SoundScape Park, Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2014, in Miami Beach, Fla. About a thousand people gathered at the pop-up picnic event that started in Paris in 1988 and has spread worldwide. Invitations are spread by word of mouth and the location of the dinner is kept secret until the last minute. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

A reddit user shared a viral post explaining that a dinner guest at his engagement party threw a fit over the restaurant's lack of vegan options.  (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

In the post, titled, "Am I the a--hole?" the user explained how he invited around 30 guests – mostly family and close friends – to an Italian restaurant to celebrate his engagement. The guest list included his brother and his brother’s girlfriend, the self-proclaimed vegan, who was invited to the party only a week before it happened. 

The poster said that he and his fiancée chose the Italian restaurant and the dinner options prior to his brother asking if he could bring his girlfriend. Since the host had already chosen a meat and fish option prior to inviting the vegan, he apparently had not secured a dining option that worked for her. 

The user wrote, "My younger brother (20M) contacted me about a week before the dinner to RSVP and [asked] if he can bring a plus one, his new girlfriend. He chose meat option. Now, my brother dates around a lot and is always brining new girls around, so I wasn’t aware that he was even in a relationship."

The gracious host added, "I told him sure and that I’d have an extra seat for her."

He claimed that when the night of the dinner came around, his brother’s girlfriend loudly demanded to know where the vegan option was. The post stated, "When it came time to eat she pulled one of the waiters aside and LOUDLY asked him, ‘Is there any vegan options?’"


Reddit post

A Reddit user sparked online outrage for his dinner guest after he explained in a post that she had a tantrum over the restaurant lacking sufficient vegan options. (Screenshot/Reddit)

The waiter mentioned the main dishes were only meat or fish options, but told her he could offer her a "salad and some roasted potatoes and other veggies as a substitute if you wish," though that’s when the host said she "started to get mouthy."

According to the user, the vegan dinner guest accused the restaurant of "discrimination" and then turned to him in the middle of dinner to berate him. She allegedly asked, "Why would you pick a restaurant that doesn’t have vegan options. MANY people are vegan nowadays."

The user claimed his guest said he made her "feel alienated." Though he explained to her that he wasn’t aware of her dietary restrictions and that she was invited weeks after he booked the venue, she called him "small-minded" and left with his brother in tow.

The host then noted that his brother and his mom have been pushing for him to apologize to her to "keep the peace," which prompted him to reiterate his original question: "AITA (Am I the a--hole) for making her feel alienated?"

Though the majority of reddit responses took his side and flamed his seemingly ungrateful dinner guest. 

One popular response said, "NTA (Not the a--hole) The girlfriend was rude and entitled. She tried to make herself the center of attention at your engagement party."

Another user wrote, "NTA. I hate when people weaponize their veganism. Unless it is an allergy, choosing not [to] eat something is a personal choice."


Another claimed, "I HATE when someone is unbearably rude, and the wronged party has to be the one to bend to ‘keep the peace.’ Yeah, the peace was broken when brothers gf opened her mouth."

And still more agreed. "FollowingTheCatbus" wrote, "Not only is the gf a brat, but she made an evening which was supposed to be centered around OP all about herself. She needs to be center of attention. OP (Original poster) NTA."

Reddit users bash poster's 'rude' guest

Reddit users complained about an account's dinner guest after he explained she made a scene upon finding out there weren't adequate vegan options for her at his engagement dinner. (Screenshot/Reddit)