Ben Domenech on 'Kilmeade Show': Putin confident 'China has his back'

Domenech says Russia believes China will be 'dominant force' in world, not US

The Federalist's Ben Domenech told "The Brian Kilmeade Show" Tuesday Russian President Vladimir Putin's aggression against Ukraine shows his growing commitment to Chinese interests and his belief they will become the dominant world power over the U.S.


BEN DOMENECH: The reality is that the choices that Vladimir Putin has been making ever since it became clear that Joe Biden was going to be the next president of the United States have all been about who is the strong horse in this situation. Is it America? Is it the United States that has led the world for so many years post the Cold War? Or is it China? Is it China's interests? Are they going to have my back? If I do these various things, Russia is still in many ways, you know, it's a weaker nation. It is the one dependent on gas prices that the line goes over and over again, that Putin is playing a weak hand or playing it very well. But why is he doing that? It's because he's confident that China has his back and that they're going to be the dominant force in the world today and to come and not the United States, that we are headed toward a period of diminishment and retrenchment and that he doesn't have any respect for the kind of things that the Biden administration is doing. And honestly, I think that that is a sign of how little prepared they really were for the situation after, of course, all that complicit media talk that he represented a return to normalcy and the adults being back in charge, right? I mean, how laughable that looks today.


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