Professor on school district offering anti-racist math program: ‘Everything caters to victim narrative’
York College professor Erec Smith on Kentucky school district hosting anti-racist teacher training.
York College professor Erec Smith on Tuesday slammed a Kentucky school district for hosting an anti-racist teacher training, claiming that they are serving a "victim narrative."
The Pennsylvania professor and co-founder of Free Black Thought referred to Jefferson County Public Schools in Louisville, Kentucky, hosting a year-long professional training program on anti-racist mathematics.
"What is going on is that everything has to cater to a victim narrative. And when I say everything, I mean everything. The powers that be among the anti-racist circles, for example, really want to be thorough about this. And when I say thorough, I mean thorough, yes, math is racist. They’re going to racialize breakfast cereal soon. They want to touch on everything," Smith told "Fox & Friends."
The program, called "Anti-Racist Mathematics," has the goal to "eliminate curricular violence and innovate mathematics education" through "anti-bias, anti-racist, and racially equitable practices," the College Fix reported.
"Educators will engage in monthly sessions with Lateefah Id-Deen, assistant professor of mathematics education at Kennesaw State University, which focus on topics like white supremacy in mathematics, racial trauma in mathematics, and creating anti-racist lesson plans," the report states.
Smith said that "pragmatism is a lost concept among contemporary anti-racists." The professor said that anti-racists are "actually going after language now," a movement called "Black linguistic justice."
He explained that the movement claims that teaching Black students "standard English" is racist.
"So, this is not just a math thing. And, obviously, to a five-year-old, this is not good for Black students."
"Let's make no mistake that racism is an industry in America. There is money to be made. Not just giving speeches but giving workshops or giving curricula that is quote, unquote, anti-racist when it's actually quite racist," he added.
Fox News reached out to Jefferson County Public Schools for a statement but did not get a response.