Piers Morgan calls out Democrat Katie Porter's woke 'nonsense' about Riley Gaines, women's sports

Congresswoman prompts pushback from Bill Maher with 'woke' stance on biological males competing against females

Piers Morgan called out California Democrat Katie Porter Monday for claiming that former collegiate swimmer Riley Gaines is defending women's sports just for attention. 

The Fox Nation host joined "Fox & Friends" to call on politicians to defend and protect women in sports. 

"It's time that female politicians, in particular in America, Democrat politicians, stop this nonsense and stood up for women's rights."


Porter appeared on "Real Time with Bill Maher" on Friday night and talked about Gaines’ fight and said the former Kentucky swimmer is after "likes and clicks." Rep. Porter and Morgan debated the notion, with Morgan defending the former swimmer.

Riley Gaines, right, and Rep. Katie Porter, left. (Getty Images)

"And by the way, Riley is speaking up for herself – and that is her prerogative and I respect her free speech," Porter said, as Morgan maintained that Gaines was "speaking up for every female athlete in the world."

Porter started the conversation by saying she disagreed with Gaines’ statements and sporting bodies should be the ones to determine whether transgender athletes get to compete against biological males or females. Morgan asked Porter what she disagreed with exactly, which started the likes and clicks conversation.

Morgan said when he asked Porter what it is that she disagrees with Gaines on, she "froze" and "had no answer." 

"It's an extraordinary state of affairs when two middle-aged men, me and Bill Maher, were standing up vociferously for women's rights to fairness and equality, and a congresswoman who wants to be a senator was incapable of doing that. And that, to me, exposed the fragility at the heart of this woke position on this whole transgender debate." 

Morgan said he believes transgender athletes should be treated fairly and suggested two options. 

"You either compete against your biological sex, which would mean that trans women would compete against men, as many of them have done before, by the way. Or you have a completely separate new category for trans athletes."

Gaines has been at the forefront of the fight to keep transgender female athletes out of women’s sports on the basis of equality. Gaines tied with transgender swimmer Lia Thomas in one event at the NCAA Championships last year – a result many maintain shouldn’t have happened in the first place. 

Fox News' Ryan Gaydos contributed to this report.

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