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Former Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg said on Thursday that state and local governments have had to pick up the slack on the coronavirus as President Trump has failed to respond sufficiently.

"I think what we're seeing right now is because of the failures in the White House, local government and state government are having to do most of the work," the former 2020 candidate told "The View."

He suggested that Trump was "leading from behind" by claiming the federal government was a "backup" for the states. "He's the President of the United States. If he wanted to, he could be leading the nation, leading the states, and leading the cities through these issues. Instead, that's not happening," he added. "Although we've certainly seen some good work coming from a place like the Centers for Disease Control, of course."

"When it comes to that political level and the president's level, we're not seeing what we need most, which is consistent, accurate information -- stripped clean of politics -- that we can all pay attention to and learn from, and support for those state and local officials who are on the frontlines."


Trump previously tweeted that his administration was sending massive amounts of supplies to states and pushed back on "complainers."


"Massive amounts of medical supplies, even hospitals and medical centers, are being delivered directly to states and hospitals by the Federal Government," he tweeted last week. "Some have insatiable appetites & are never satisfied (politics?). Remember, we are a backup for them."

"The complainers should [...] have been stocked up and ready long before this crisis hit. Other states are thrilled with the job we have done. Sending many Ventilators today, with thousands being built. 51 large cargo planes coming in with medical supplies. Prefer sending directly to hospitals."