Parents at the elite $55,000-per-year Dalton School are reportedly furious after learning that their first-graders were being taught sex-education lessons in class.

The prep-school's "health and wellness" educator Justine Ang Fonte, who last month hosted a controversial and explicit "porn literacy" workshop at another elite institution, reportedly showed 6-year-olds a video of a cartoon where little kids discussed "touching themselves" for pleasure, the New York Post first reported.

Biotech entrepreneur and author of the forthcoming book "WOKE INC," Vivek Ramaswamy said on Tuesday's "America Reports" that the most striking thing about the story was parents being afraid to publicly object to this curriculum in fear of retaliation. 

"Parents are paying $50,000 a year to send their kids to this school and yet they were afraid to speak on the record," he said. "They had to speak anonymously for fear of retaliation."


"Ultimately, there is a new bludgeon in this new toolkit teaching kids not only about not only sexual identity, transgenderism, a whole range of age-inappropriate topics for first-graders, now the people who really wield power are the people who say that ‘hey if you don’t pass that class, you get a bad grade at school, if you get a bad grade in school you can’t get into the college you want,’" Ramaswamy continued. 

Children at Dalton are also reportedly taught lessons about "consent," according to the Post. Parents told the outlet that while the concept of consent can be valuable in protecting children from abuse, teaching kids that their own parents or grandparents must first ask for permission before touching them is excessive and can be potentially damaging. 

"I’m paying $50,000 to these a–holes to tell my kid not to let her grandfather hug her when he sees her?" one mom told The Post. 


Ramaswamy suggested that schools should focus on other curriculum like math and civics education. 

"The fact that we have a finite day and resources that can be dedicated to school. What are we teaching kids that could be taught in the same time what about math? What about civics education? What about the history of our country? That’s all been sent to the back burner for the people who have now taken over the schools [who are] powered by this new orthodoxy," Ramaswamy said. 

A Dalton spokesman told the New York Post that the videos were approved for students 4 years or older. 

"These videos align with nationally recognized methodologies and standards. We consistently review our health curriculum, making sure that the content is developmentally appropriate and, if necessary, we adapt our curriculum accordingly. We will continue to listen carefully to parent feedback, respond thoughtfully to community concerns, and develop lessons that are in the best interest of our students, respect our community’s values, and correspond with best practices."