Brit Hume on omicron variant: Politicians' 'cures' for COVID have been worse than the virus

Says officials 'making same kind of mistakes' in response to omicron variant

In the wake of the new omicron variant, Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume told "The Brian Kilmeade Show" on Monday that since the inception of the coronavirus pandemic, the cures from politicians have been worse than the virus.


BRIT HUME: It looks to me like we're freaking out again and making the same kinds of mistakes that we made the first and second and third time around.

There are ripple effects of that. And this has been the issue from the very beginning of the pandemic. And that is that in our efforts to stamp it out, to stop it in its tracks, which was probably never going to be possible, we undertook all sorts of efforts without ever seriously considering the side effects of our efforts. You know, Trump may have made a lot of mistakes on this, but he was right when he said, you don't want a situation where the cure is worse than the disease. 

When you think of the school days missed by kids, really how much that contributes to continued inequality and educational outcomes that these poor kids who you know, who many of whose parents don't even have a computer in the house or who are struggling to try to be educated in this setting where, you know, they're really not in school, they're really not getting instruction and so on. It's very serious.

You have health outcomes affected by the fact that people missed appointments for screenings and treatment and so on for cancer and other diseases. The supply chain problems we’re having as a consequence of COVID and the restrictions that were placed on travel and with people out of work and so on. So we're going to be feeling the pain from those for a long time. 


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