NY Post scorches ‘fake’ intel letter used to sink laptop story: ‘Actual disinfo operation’ helped Biden

'This is repeated collusion among spooks, politicos and journos to blast out falsehoods and suppress the truth,' the Post's editorial board claimed

The New York Post editorial board reacted forcefully to the news that then-Biden campaign staff allegedly helped cook up the 2020 letter signed by 51 intelligence "experts" which denounced the paper’s Hunter Biden laptop story as a Russian hoax.

The editorial provided a searing condemnation of the entire operation to stymie the paper’s reporting and save the 2020 election for Biden, involving the intel community, the Biden campaign, news outlets, and social media platforms. 

Testimony from former acting CIA Director Mike Morell this week alleged that then-Biden campaign advisor Antony Blinken "played a role in the inception" of the public statement signed by former and current U.S. intelligence experts claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation.


The New York Times and The Washington Post both eventually verified Hunter Bidens laptop after big tech dismissed the New York Posts bombshell reporting during the 2020 presidential election. (Getty images  |  New York Post)

According to Morrell, Blinken approached him and the other experts and asked them to sign the letter, which the former director did because he wanted to "help Vice President Biden … because I wanted him to win the election."

After the letter was crafted, the media and Biden team trotted it out to discredit reporting on the Biden family’s corruption found on the computer, reporting that was led by The New York Post’s bombshell story revealing the existence of the laptop and its contents.

The Post took a rhetorical sledgehammer to the Biden-aided plot to discredit their bombshell story, opening its editorial with the statement, "The dishonor of our intelligence community, and most of the media, is now complete."

It added, "It turns out the ‘51 intel experts’ letter implying Hunter Biden’s 100% authentic laptop was a Russian fake, and the ensuing efforts to kill Post reporting on it, were the actual disinfo operation." 

The Post first targeted Morell, calling him a "Veteran spook" and painting him as the person who "masterminded" the disinfo operation. It then mentioned his obvious political bias in doing so, writing "And Morell plainly also did it in hopes a victorious Biden would hand him the top CIA job."

The outlet, whose piece on the laptop was also censored on Twitter and other social media platforms based on the word of these intel experts, declared, "Not only was there no intricate Russian plot, there was never any evidence suggesting one — only a Biden campaign conspiracy to bury the truth under a tissue of lies."


Secretary of State Antony Blinken testifies to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Thursday, March 23, 2023, on Capitol Hill in Washington.  (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

The editorial provided an example of this collusion, stating that Morell received "a thank-you call from Biden campaign chief Steve Ricchetti, after Biden used his 100% fake letter as ‘evidence’" during a debate with then-President Donald Trump.

The New York Post bashed the media for promoting this "Russian fake," saying,"But a compliant media really made this possible," the outlet claimed, adding, "The ‘experts’ handed the letter to Natasha Bertrand, then at Politico (now at CNN), an eager propagator of such disinformation."

It detailed how Politico "promptly packaged the letter’s ‘bears the hallmarks of Russian disinformation’ language into a headline claiming the experts deemed it to be disinfo," which it said prompted "an avalanche of similar reporting and a media-wide refusal to touch the story (except to attack The Post for reporting it)."

The Post even reminded readers how Politico’s "bogus headline implying the laptop was fake" is still unchanged on the outlet’s website.

It then turned to social media companies that "(primed by false warnings from secret government censors) blocked and downgraded posts sharing The Post’s reporting." 


The board blasted all of these parties for working in tandem over this letter to get Biden elected, a disinfo operation similar to when "media fell for a Hillary Clinton campaign op, RussiaGate," it noted.

"This is repeated collusion among spooks, politicos and journos to blast out falsehoods and suppress the truth," The Post declared, before concluding, "Rather than serving the nation, they’ve collaborated in deceiving it. Absent a full accounting, you can only expect the betrayals to keep coming."  

WFP USA Board Chair Hunter Biden introduces his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, during the World Food Program USA's 2016 McGovern-Dole Leadership Award Ceremony  at the Organization of American States on April 12, 2016 in Washington, DC.  (Kris Connor/WireImage)

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