Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley clapped back at liberal critics who have said she's past her "prime" and who have accused her of pushing White supremacist talking points. On "The Faulkner Focus" Tuesday, Haley responded to an MSNBC guest on Mehdi Hasan's show claiming Haley uses her "Brown skin to launder White supremacist talking points."


NIKKI HALEY: It's not a surprise. They've done this for a long time. You read the poll numbers of how I do with independents and suburban women and all of those. They know that I am the biggest threat that liberals have ever seen, and they're scared about it. But what I'll tell you is, you want to tell me I'm past my prime? Hold my beer and watch this, because I'm telling you where we are going to take America is going to change all of that. And they know how hard I'll work, and they know how tough I am. Bring it. We're ready.