Dr. Nicole Saphier and family join New Jersey community to support doctors, nurses and first responders

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The selfless acts of service Americans have witnessed during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic should reaffirm our faith as a nation, Fox News contributor Dr. Nicole Saphier said Tuesday.

Saphier, who appears frequently on Fox News Channel offering medical insights, and her husband Paul are both physicians who live in Morris Township, N.J., with their three children.

Paul Saphier is a neurosurgeon who specializes in treating strokes and aneurysms at local hospitals, while Nicole is a breast cancer imaging specialist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York City. Saphier shared a video with FoxNews.com showing her family participating in a "Clap Because We Care" event in their town on Tuesday.


Dr. Paul Saphier wears a protective mask.

Residents were encouraged to stand outside their home clapping, shouting and playing music to thank the doctors, nurses, first responders and essential workers who are risking their lives during the pandemic. The local fire department sounded the whistle in solidarity.

"Our township has always stood behind our first responders and truly embodies the community feeling," she told Fox News. "We have a blue line down the middle of a main road to support law enforcement. The road leading to our house is one of the first plowed during a snowstorm because the township knows my husband may need to leave to save a life at any moment."

New Jersey is the state with the second-most cases, confirming over 16,600 with almost 200 deaths reported as of Tuesday morning.

Dr. Nicole Saphier wears a protective mask.

During the COVID-19 health crisis, Saphier noted that her community has come closer together: participating in the collection of goods and donations for homeless shelters, the elderly, and health care workers or starting social media movement to try to aid small businesses that have shuttered.

"As a physician myself, I have always known the sacrifices health care workers make to care for others," she explained. "What I am witnessing now as we are faced with this crisis confirms my faith in the American culture."

"Our ability to come together as a diverse nation with economic freedoms is unparalleled," she asserted.

"We rise together to support our community so the least we can do is step outside the comfort of our home to make some noise for those protecting us," she said referring to the rallying cheer for first responders now implemented nightly in hard-hit areas like New Jersey and New York State.


"First responders, the police force, nurses, doctors, and every other person who contributes to caring for our friends and family deserve more appreciation than we will ever be able to show," she concluded.

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