The New York Times fawned over Sen. Kamala Harris, who Joe Biden picked to be his running mate, with a glowing front page on Wednesday featuring four separate headlines that political commentator Ben Shapiro and others characterized as "drooling” coverage over the addition to the Democratic ticket.
Shapiro shared an image of the front page sarcastically captioned, “The NYT is definitely an unbiased source of news. Four headlines, all drooling.”

The New York Times fawned over Sen. Kamala Harris, who Joe Biden picked to be his running mate, with a glowing front page on Wednesday. (AP Photo/Sait Serkan Gurbuz)
As Shapiro pointed out, the front page features the headlines: “Harris joins Biden ticket, achieving a first,” “Political warrior shaped by life in 2 worlds,” “Pick seen as safe but energizing” and “Woman of color in No. 2 slot of major party.”

Shapiro wasn't alone in criticizing the front page:
The Times was knocked Tuesday for calling Harris a "pragmatic moderate" in its tweet alerting Biden's choice. Shapiro joined “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday to discuss the Gray Lady’s coverage and called her an “extreme” candidate who is far from moderate.
“She is one of the most leftist senators in the entire United States Senate. She votes with Bernie Sanders 92% of the time, she originally endorsed 'Medicare-for-all,' she’s endorsed the Green New Deal, she has decided that she would like to ban fracking,” Shapiro said. “She has said that she wants to ban plastic straws, she wants to ban assault weapons by executive order, which is unconstitutional, but she laughed about that.”
"This is the media trying to paint a narrative that the Biden campaign couldn't write any better if it tried," The Hill's media reporter Joe Concha said Wednesday on "Fox & Friends First."
While the Times labeled Harris a "pragmatic moderate," Concha pointed out that the government watchdog labels her as the "most liberal Senator" -- further to the left than Sen. Bernie Sanders, Concha said, because she has "no bipartisan legislative achievements to her name in all of her time in the Senate."
A group called "We Have Her Back" warned last week it will "monitor [election] coverage and we will call out those we believe take our country backward with sexist and/or racist coverage. As we enter another historic moment, we will be watching you."
Concha called it "working the refs," adding it "feels more like a threat."
"It seems that any criticisms, including past actions of Kamala Harris, past statements, or even her qualifications, will automatically, and in more than a few cases, be characterized as sexist or racist or both, even if sex or race isn't broached," Concha stated.
"That's how you shut down criticism, right?" he added. "By labeling a person, or in this case, a journalist, who may just be asking tough questions or analyzing Kamala Harris' record as I just did, as sexist or racist.
"And you know what?" Concha said. "In an era of cancel culture and the woke mob basically dictating content at places like The New York Times . . . it just might work, believe it or not."
Fox News’ Caleb Parke contributed to this report.