Former National Intelligence director John Ratcliffe issued a stark warning on "The Ingraham Angle," following President Biden's call with Chinese President Xi Jinping Thursday morning.  

JOHN RATCLIFFE: According to the readout, Joe Biden told President Xi that he opposed any unilateral efforts to change the status quo. President Xi was more direct. He promised a fiery death. He promised that those that play with fire set themselves on fire and would perish. Very clearly from that, it sounds like President Xi is playing hardball, President Biden is playing wiffle ball and we've seen that far too often. And to your point about whether this is accurate. Well, we know that it is, at least in part because both parties agree in the readout that the gentlemen agreed to a face to face meeting. President Xi never would have agreed to a face to face meeting if after he set the red line on Taiwan, had Joe Biden stood up to him and said, Nancy Pelosi or any American politician can go to Taiwan any time they want. So the ball is really in Nancy Pelosi's court now. For the sake of our national security, Laura, Nancy Pelosi needs to go to Taiwan. 


The Chinese government, the Chinese Communist Party cannot be setting American foreign policy in the South China Sea. And if Nancy Pelosi backs down, then to your point, I think you're right, Republicans need to spend the next few months telling Americans, look, we have a president who very clearly won't stand up to our number one adversary in the world and if a Democratically controlled Congress won't stand up to him either, the only way to keep America safe is for Republicans to be in charge of Congress.