Fox News contributor and "Laptop From Hell" author Miranda Devine said Monday on "Fox & Friends" there at least two dozen potential Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) violations evident from examining the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop. Devine assessed the likelihood of the federal probe into President Biden's son resulting in charges.

MIRANDA DEVINE: At least two dozen potential FARA violations are evident from the laptop. Hunter Biden and his uncle Jim Biden were influence peddling using Joe Biden’s name when he was vice president to extract millions of dollars from various Russian oligarchs and Chinese state-owned enterprises. And then there’s the fact we know recently from a grand jury in Delaware that’s been operating since 2018 that they were looking at FARA violations. The only flip side of that is that FARA violations have been not very well-used at all, even though the law has been in place since 1938, to prevent Americans lobbying on behalf of foreign governments. But it’s really, in recent times, only been applied against Republicans and particularly Trump world. We know that Republicans have had search warrants executed on their homes, and that has not happened to Hunter Biden.