Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday on "America's Newsroom" that the Biden administration is making an "enormous strategic mistake" by seeking to downplay the meeting between China and Russia's presidents. Pompeo said the Biden foreign policy has failed, as Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin strengthen ties against the West. 


MIKE POMPEO: To hear the White House play this down as if it's insignificant or unimportant is an enormous strategic mistake. It may be a shotgun wedding, but they're still married. And at least for today, the Chinese Communist Party is providing lethal assistance to Ukraine, almost certainly. Now, China is getting energy at a discounted price. Think about that. American manufacturing companies are paying full freight for energy today and the Chinese are getting a 15, 20% discount on each barrel of oil, allowing them to continue to dump their products here in America. Now, the Biden administration has failed. They have allowed the Russians and the Chinese to come together in this way and it presents enormous risk to the United States of America and every citizen.

Putin and Xi Jinping meet in Moscow

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands in Moscow, Russia, on Tuesday, March 21.  The Kremlin Wednesday said the West's reaction to Xi's visit has been "hostile." (Mikhail Tereshchenko/Sputnik/Kremlin Pool Photo)

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an agreement to expand their economic ties during a bilateral meeting in Moscow on Tuesday.

Xi arrived in Moscow for a multiday series of meetings with his Russian counterpart, aimed at demonstrating the two countries' new "friendship without limits." Xi and Putin emphasized the importance of jointly safeguarding their countries' energy security.

Putin touted plans for a gas pipeline from Siberia to China ahead of the meeting, saying the agreement was all but finalized.