Former "View" co-host Meghan McCain made her debut as a Daily Mail columnist with a blistering takedown of President Biden for not living up to his promise to "heal the soul of America."

"No one is healing. Nothing is healed. The wound Donald Trump ripped open has done nothing but fester since Scranton Joe was inaugurated," McCain began the column. "Eight months since President Biden was sworn into office, the anticipation of a tone change and 'return to normalcy' has utterly disappeared. The man I once considered a friend and confidante has morphed into a feckless and unreliable leader I no longer recognize. He gives all the signs of stubborn cantankerous naiveté, surrounded by idiotic sycophants anyone who has spent more than fifteen minutes around politics should easily recognize as the worst type of corrupt bureaucrats."

McCain argued Biden's policies have created "more division and distrust," citing his proposed vaccine mandates and inflation concerns. 


"The man who promised he would shut down the virus, not the country, is doing the opposite," McCain wrote before calling out Biden officials like Dr. Anthony Fauci who speak "in terms of limiting our lives" as thousands of people pack football stadiums. 

"Many of those cheering fans, who stand for the anthem and honor the flag, are the same people our media looks down on, and who Biden and his White House sycophants blame for continued Covid case numbers, despite no proof whatsoever that they are the source of continued illness," she continued. "So they berate them, call them fools, suggest they are insurrectionists, and blame them for their own failed policies, as a blatant attempt to distract from the fact that they literally have officials resigning in protest from the FDA over their interference in public health science." 

"The bureaucracy, the media, and this White House are out of touch with reality. They don't have a plan. They don't know what to do. They're trying to throw money at the problems, but deep down, they know this won't solve anything," she added.



The Daily Mail columnist then warned that Biden could soon "become worse" than former President Jimmy Carter, who critics have long compared the 46th president to. 

"My intuition has proved right. He is on the path to become worse than Jimmy Carter, who author Steve Hayward described as a man who ran for office promising 'a government as good as the people' and ended his term by saying the people were no good," McCain wrote. "The American people are good. I believe in them. And I believe they deserve a better class of leader." 

McCain had been outspoken blasting Biden amid the chaotic military withdrawal from Afghanistan, declaring he's "unfit to lead."


"I am furious our President was so incompetent not to see what every expert on the planet could have seen coming. I am furious for my friends and family who have been fighting in these wars since I was 16 (many who have lost limbs, had their life terrorized by PTSD from their experiences in war and deployments, or worse). I am furious seeing our allies and innocent Afghan citizens who trusted us are being left to be slaughtered or so desperate to escape the pure evil the Taliban will bring in that they are falling out of f---ing planes," McCain wrote on Instagram last month. 

"This is not who America is, this is not the values this country was founded in. Our veterans deserve better, the innocent Afghan people and our allies and translators who have stood by us for the past 20 years deserve better. The shame, dishonor and embarrassment the Biden administration has brought to our country will take generations to undo. Not to mention our standing in the world and the cruel reality that the likelihood of another significant domestic terror attack has not risen to the highest levels since 9/11 and will usher in ISIS 3.0," she added.