The media has been tearing into Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., over remarks, she made linking Democrat-backed mask mandates to the Holocaust

The freshman congresswoman took aim at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., for requiring members of Congress to continue wearing masks in the House Chamber as coronavirus cases continue to drop.

"This woman is mentally ill," Greene said during a TV interview on Friday. "You know, we can look back in a time in history where people were told to wear a gold star and they were definitely treated like second-class citizens so much so that they were put in trains and taken to gas chambers in Nazi Germany and this is exactly the type of abuse that Nancy Pelosi is talking about."


Greene's comments have since generated a firestorm of media criticism and wall-to-wall coverage on CNN and MSNBC. 

"I’m used to all sorts of dog whistles about being Jewish and about Jews, but to compare Pelosi saying, 'If you’re not vaccinated you need to wear a mask," to the slaughter of 6 million Jews – babies, children, women, old people, men – to me it just signifies, you really think that a Jewish life is worth so little that it’s equal to asking you to wear a mask?" CNN anchor Jake Tapper sanctimoniously asked during a panel discussion on Monday. 

Others CNN stars called her remarks "repulsive" and "make me sick." MSNBC personalities and the co-hosts of "The View" also took turns slamming the Georgia Republican. 

In this  Jan. 4, 2021, photo, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., center, stands with other GOP freshmen during an event at the Capitol in Washington. Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell is calling the far-right Georgia Republican's embrace of conspiracy theories and "loony lies" a "cancer for the Republican Party." House Democrats are mounting an effort to formally rebuke Greene, who has a history of making racist remarks, promoting conspiracy theories and endorsing violence directed at Democrats. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

In this  Jan. 4, 2021, photo, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., center, stands with other GOP freshmen during an event at the Capitol in Washington. Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell is calling the far-right Georgia Republican's embrace of conspiracy theories and "loony lies" a "cancer for the Republican Party." House Democrats are mounting an effort to formally rebuke Greene, who has a history of making racist remarks, promoting conspiracy theories and endorsing violence directed at Democrats. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) (AP)

After Greene had doubled down on trivializing the Holocaust, making the analogy that vaccine passports were similar to the yellow star Jews wore during the Holocaust, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., as well as other Republican leaders, condemned her "appalling" comparison and other top GOP lawmakers followed suit.  

Greene's comments follow news organizations normalizing such hyperbolic rhetoric towards former President Trump, his voters, and Republican politicians for the past four years. 


The Washington Post ran a "perspective" piece in 2018 titled, "It’s not wrong to compare Trump’s America to the Holocaust. Here's why."

Amid his 2018 declaration as an independent after being a registered Republican, Washington Post columnist Max Boot insisted that the GOP must be "destroyed" and "rebuilt" "like postwar Germany." His Post colleague Dana Milbank declared during the 2020 election that "The Reichstag is burning" and how Trump "has put the United States, in some ways, where Germany was in 1933, when Adolf Hitler used the suspicious burning of the German parliament to turn a democracy into a totalitarian state."

CNN's left-wing media guru Brian Stelter welcomed a psychiatrist onto his "Reliable Sources" program who argued "Trump is as destructive a person in this century as Hitler, Stalin, Mao were in the last century" adding "He may be responsible for many more million deaths than they were" without receiving any pushback from the host.

Other CNN commentators also were generous with the Hitler comparisons. CNN analyst Sam Vinograd, who has since joined the Biden administration, said Trump's 2019 CPAC speech, sounded "a lot like a certain leader that killed members of my family and about six million other Jews in the 1940s." Weeks later, CNN guest Bob Baer bashed Trump for calling the gang members of MS-13 "animals," saying "Adolf Hitler used to call foreigners animals." Fareed Zakaria may have been the first CNN personality to compare Trump to the Nazi dictator during the 2016 election cycle over a foreign policy position the then-candidate held.  

New York Times columnist Charles Blow argued in a 2017 piece that while Trump "isn't" Hitler, he borrowed "strategies" from the dictator. 

MSNBC went all-in on the Nazi analogies. MSNBC analyst Jonathan Alter compared Trump's State of the Union speech in 2020 to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. Then-MSNBC host Chris Matthews said the president had used "Hitlerian" rhetoric. MSNBC commentator Donny Deutsch linked Trump voters to Nazis and shamed Jewish Americans who supported a person he suggested was comparable to the infamous dictator.  

Grabien founder and news editor Tom Elliott created a "supercut" of the dozens of references a single episode of "Morning Joe" made to Hitler and "fascism" when discussing Trump during the 2020 election. 

On the subject of the migrant detention centers along the southern border, the media didn't hesitate to describe them as "concentration camps" under the Trump administration, a label that has since disappeared amid the migrant surge under the Biden administration. 

"The images suggest those of concentration camps," then-MSNBC host Chris Matthews said while the Republican was in office.

"I call this a concentration camp for kids," MSNBC analyst Michael Steele similarly stated. 


A CNN guest went even further, saying" "Increasingly, Donald Trump is turning this nation into Nazi Germany and turning these [facilities] into concentration camps."

"The View" co-host Whoopi Goldberg even suggested the Trump administration established "fake" camps at the border equivalent to Nazi concentration camps that fooled the American Red Cross when it made humanitarian visits during World War II in order to hide the inhumane conditions. 

Esquire Magazine ran a headline in 2019 that quoted a concentration camps "expert" who said "That's Exactly What the U.S. Is Running at the Border." The Nation declared "Trump Is Legalizing Concentration Camps for Immigrant Families." An NBC News piece backed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. saying she was "right" to make such a comparison. 


The Nazi-era rhetoric continued on even after President Trump lost the 2020 presidential election. 

CNN International anchor Christiane Amanpour compared the Trump presidency to "Kristallnacht" in the days after the election, which she walked back after an intense backlash.   

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough compared Trump and his support from Republican Party to "Hitler" and the "brown shirts" following the Capitol Hill riot on Jan. 6.  A January op-ed published in The Philadelphia Inquirer insisted it's not "wrong" to compare the former president to the dictator." ABC News correspondent Terry Moran also suggested in February that the amount of power Trump has over the GOP is equivalent to a "Führer." 


Marjorie Taylor Greene's inflammatory rhetoric has generated plenty of airtime in recent days, but as Fourth Watch media critic Steve Krakauer pointed out, more Democrats have heard of the freshman congresswoman than Republicans according to a recent poll. 

"The media wants to make MTG happen. But MTG is no AOC," Krakauer wrote.