Six months of Joe Biden’s presidency has been represented by six months of mainstream media largely fawning over the 46th president, despite an influx of illegal immigration, a surge in violent crime across the nation, and rising inflation affecting nearly every industry. 

Biden and his aides have faced the occasional tough question from the media, but the press has largely been supportive of the president.


The praise began long before Biden was elected, but reached a fever pitch on Inauguration Day, with MSNBC's Joy Reid heralding the first couple’s "great love story," saying "we haven’t had a love story in the White House in over four years." 

MSNBC’s Chuck Todd labeled the incoming president a "breath of fresh air," and "a man who gave Americans permission to feel good about who we are." 

CNN’s political director even went so far as to say the lights at the Lincoln Memorial were "almost extensions of Joe Biden’s arms embracing America," and the network’s head of communications claimed the fireworks would "inspire our friends and shake our foes." 

And while many presidents can expect favorable coverage and an opportunity to prove themselves on Inauguration Day, the media did not stop there. 

A month into the Biden administration, Glamour magazine praised First Lady Jill Biden for wearing a "scrunchie," claiming "people felt so seen." Vogue later featured the first lady on the cover, an honor not bestowed on any Republican First Lady, with the glowing headline "A First Lady for All of Us." 

Hard-hitting analysis from CNN outlined the president’s day, from coffee with the first lady in the morning to a preference for a fire in the oval office, where Biden "sometimes adds a log himself to keep it going."

When Biden introduced his infrastructure package, largely criticized by Republicans for spending trillions of dollars on programs not traditionally included in infrastructure, CNN claimed the plan was a "window into [Biden’s] soul."

The praise continued after Biden’s first address to a joint session of Congress, with Time correspondent Charlotte Alter claiming it was "astonishing" how much Americans’ lives had changed under Biden’s presidency, and NBC’s Andrea Mitchell called the remarks "remarkable."

MSNBC anchor Brian Williams went even further, praising Biden’s "use of tone" and claiming that his "voice modulation was rather extraordinary." 


And while 100 days could have ended Biden's honeymoon period with the press, most news outlets simply marked the day as another reason to celebrate, with New York Magazine praising how Biden had "reshaped" America. 

The media praise continued after Biden’s meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, with one Washington Post columnist going so far as to claim Biden "wiped the smirk off Putin’s face." 

The piece further praised Biden’s "sure-footed, gaffe-free trip" and said the president "hit all the right notes." 

Even the quasi-negative coverage of Biden had a positive slant, with one Baltimore Sun headline claiming that "Boring is Biden’s superpower." 


The media’s intense praise of the president comes in the midst of ever-increasing inflation, uncontrolled migration at the southern border, increased Taliban presence in Afghanistan, and a dangerous crime surge that has left hundreds dead and businesses closing across the country.   

The six-month milestone also comes as the United States had the lowest levels of public trust in media among 46 countries, according to a Reuters survey. 

Critics blasted the media following the results of the survey, claiming it would spur no introspection, and business would continue as usual, which is to say, never-ending praise, and a blind eye turned toward mounting crises.