Media figures promote conspiracy that judge who postponed Trump DOJ investigation is doing ‘Trump’s bidding’

Disgraced former FBI agent Peter Stzrok tweeted that Judge Cannon gave Trump 'special treatment'

Liberal media figures were outraged after news broke Monday that a federal judge allowed former President Trump’s legal team to appoint a special master to review the records seized in the FBI raid against the former president. 

The most alarming piece for liberals, however, was U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon from the Southern District of Florida ruling to put a hold on the Department of Justice’s investigation into the seized documents "pending completion of the special master’s review or further Court order," as Fox News Digital described it.

The news prompted many prominent media liberals to claim that Judge Cannon was giving Trump "special treatment" or even committing "obstruction of justice" on his behalf with her ruling. 

Disgraced former CBS anchor Dan Rather wondered if anyone was reporting on his perception that the judge was bending the law to save the president that appointed her. He tweeted, "I’m curious, how prominently is the fact that this judge who did Trump’s bidding was appointed by him - that she’s a Trump judge - mentioned in the press? Please share examples. And how prominently is it being discussed among legal scholars?"


Former CBS anchor Dan Rather claimed that Judge Aileen Cannon ruled to postpone the DOJ investigation into Trump's Mar-a-Lago documents because she was doing his "bidding." (Evan Agostini/Invision/AP, File)

Earlier Rather tweeted, "A Trump judge delivers for Trump in a big way. Delays now could lead to further chaos and mischief on his part. A big win for Trump. A big loss for accountability. News organizations should dive deep into what Trump did to politicize the federal judiciary."

MSNBC columnist Joyce Alene accused the Judge of thinking she was above the law or making up new legal rules with her ruling. "Is it only Trump who can have a judge enjoin a criminal investigation into his conduct following execution of a judicially authorized search warrant? Either Judge Cannon thinks Trump is above the law or she's created a new rule to benefit criminal defendants."

Disgraced former FBI agent Peter Stzrok accused Trump of filing his lawsuit in Cannon’s district so she would show him special treatment. Sharing a Daily Beast article making the same claim, Stzrok tweeted, "This isn’t the first time Trump has gone venue shopping for Judge Cannon. He did it because he expected favorable treatment, and he got it. Daily Beast looks at Trump’s history of seeking out this judge he appointed - and how at least one other Court viewed those efforts."

MSNBC contributor Dean Obeidallah claimed that this type of corruption from Trump appointed judges is "predictable."

While promoting his MSNBC column on the subject, he tweeted, "Experts keep using words to describe decision of Trump appointed Judge Cannon in favor of Trump like ‘extraordinary’ or ‘unprecedented.’ The correct word is ‘Predictable.’ As I warned last week in my article, this is what you get from Trump judges."

This image contained in a court filing by the Department of Justice on Aug. 30, 2022, and redacted by in part by the FBI, shows a photo of documents seized during the Aug. 8 search by the FBI of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. (Department of Justice via AP)

NBC News legal analyst Barbara McQuade tweeted, "Among its glaring errors, judge’s order gives Trump special treatment. ‘As a function of plaintiff’s former position as president of the United States, the stigma associated with the subject seizure is in a league of its own.’ So much for the rule of law," she tweeted. 


"Per earlier tweets my worst fears were that Judge Cannon would use her court to thank Trump for her appointment AND maybe she’d channel Justice Kavanaugh on Executive Privilege," tweeted CNN contributor John Dean, adding, "She did both. Worse: She treats Donald like he’s special, not just a citizen! She’s not done justice!"

The Atlantic contributing editor Norman Ornstein claimed Judge Cannon obstructed justice with her ruling, writing, "A reminder that Judge Cannon never should have taken this case. It was in the hands of the magistrate judge, she was picked by Trump’s lawyers solely because she was a Trumpist, in a jurisdiction nowhere near Mar-a-Lago. She has an effect engaged herself in obstruction of justice."

"Trump judge judges for Trump in case where Trump's argument was wrong and stupid. Every journalist who continues to pretend that Republican judges are somehow ‘objective’ are not only wrong, but actively not helping," tweeted The Nation reporter and frequent MSNBC guest Elie Mystal


Liberals accused former President Donald Trump of filing his lawsuit against the DOJ within the district of a judge he appointed so that he would receive special treatment.  (WavyPeter/

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