Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser's decision to evict National Guardsmen and call on President Trump to withdraw federal law enforcement amid massive protests does not exhibit good leadership, Frederick County, Md. Sheriff Chuck Jenkins asserted Saturday.

In an interview on "Fox & Friends Weekend" with host Pete Hegseth, Jenkins said he believes the president is "doing the absolute right thing" by sending military reinforcements to help police streets in cities nationwide.


"He has the obligation to bring troops in, to protect government assets, government properties," he stated. "And, in fact, he is supporting the mayor who is elected to govern in that city."

Members of the D.C. National Guard stand on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial as demonstrators participate in a peaceful protest against police brutality and the death of George Floyd, on June 2, 2020 in Washington, DC. Protests continue to be held in cities throughout the country over the death of George Floyd, a black man who was killed in police custody in Minneapolis on May 25.

Members of the D.C. National Guard stand on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial as demonstrators participate in a peaceful protest against police brutality and the death of George Floyd, on June 2, 2020 in Washington, DC. Protests continue to be held in cities throughout the country over the death of George Floyd, a black man who was killed in police custody in Minneapolis on May 25. (Getty)

Large-scale peaceful protests against police brutality and the death of George Floyd have devolved overnight into something more nefarious at times, with protesters, looters, and rioters clashing with law enforcement, smashing windows, and setting fire to businesses.

That said, overwhelmed police have also been shown escalating conflict, rather than keeping the peace.

On Friday, Bowser said the removal of the National Guard was due to a budgetary issue, adding D.C. residents would not cover the hotel bills. The mayor's remarks came as city workers unveiled the newly minted "Black Lives Matter Plaza" just steps from the White House.

President Trump slammed Bowser over the issue the same day.

He tweeted: “The incompetent Mayor of Washington, D.C., @MayorBowser, who’s [sic] budget is totally out of control and is constantly coming back to us for “handouts”, is now fighting with the National Guard, who saved her from great embarrassment over the last number of nights. If she doesn’t treat these men and women well, then we’ll bring in a different group of men and women!”

The nation’s capital is bracing Saturday for what could be its largest protest yet, expanding a massive fenced perimeter around the president's residence.

Jenkins pointed out that marches of millions of Americans make for situations local law enforcement is not equipped to handle in any jurisdiction.

"No local, state, or county jurisdiction is able to handle [it]," he remarked.

"When you look at the population of 700,000 of Washington, you are looking at the potentially a million protesters, you have got to protect businesses, lives, and property," Jenkins told Hegseth. "You can't have the capital of the most powerful country in the world taken down in anarchy."


"Listen, I believe that law enforcement will have planned with the National Guard and military assets [on Saturday,]" he predicted. "And, I believe hopefully -- number one: let's hope it stays peaceful."

"But, I do believe and I have confidence that the National Guard working with local law enforcement in D.C. can get the job done and protect life and property," Jenkins concluded. "Yes."

Fox News' Tyler Olson and Caleb Parke contributed to this report.