Mark Levin said Tuesday that the media and the Democratic Party would be reporting a different story if the weeks-long violent protests in Portland, Ore. and elsewhere were of the right-wing, Tea Party variety.

Levin, host of "Life, Liberty & Levin," said on Twitter that he watched several morning news programs and took note of the hosts' and guests' commentary:

"After watching some TV news shows this morning, it's obvious neither the media or the Democrats on these shows want the president to put down these violent riots in Portland, Chicago, and elsewhere," he said.

Levin added that some of the commentators continue to "trash" the Trump administration and federal law enforcement for apprehending several suspected rioters or protest leaders.

"They... accuse them of kidnapping, etcetera, [and] claim the president is politicizing the riots, and on and on --  The news is utterly worthless because it's not news at all. Don't waste your time."

"I can assure you that if the Tea Party had been rioting every night, defacing government property, beating police and citizens, shutting down city blocks [and] been talking about overthrowing the government, there would be a very, very different reaction," he continued, calling the commentators and Democratic lawmakers he watched "hypocrites and frauds."

This afternoon, Levin also slammed leaders of the "Lincoln Project," an anti-Trump SuperPAC comprising of several current and former Republican or conservative figures.


"More like the John Wilkes Booth Project; character assassins," wrote Levin, going on to call former McCain presidential campaign strategist Steve Schmidt "useless" after the Lincoln Project member mentioned him in a Twitter thread sharply criticizing several conservative figures more sympathetic to Trump.