
The media continues to lose credibility among the American people as pundits continue to lob questionable claims against President Trump, according to Mark Levin.

A questionable claim from MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell about the president's loans from a German bank was the latest example, Levin said Tuesday on "The Mark Levin Show" on Westwood One.

"These newsrooms have used such experts and witnesses as a porn actress, her lawyer, a neo-Nazi, an anti-Semitic professor, race-baiting professors, a psychiatrist -- Bandy Lee -- who accused the president of mental illness, a phalanx of Obama administration officials with their vicious allegations, [and] Never-Trumpers," he said.

"They wonder why they're not trusted. The media are not destroying themselves, the media have destroyed themselves. Half of the country doesn't trust them.

"They wonder why they're not trusted. The media are not destroying themselves, the media have destroyed themselves. Half of the country doesn't trust them.

— Mark Levin


"Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC goes on the air ... and says that basically Russian oligarchs were involved with the president of the United States in investments, and then Deutsche Bank has Donald Trump's tax returns, and they revealed the co-signers of bank loans were Russian billionaires -- a flat-out lie."

Levin said O'Donnell was doing both the journalism profession and the American people a disservice by making baseless and damaging claims against Trump.

"How does this better inform the American people, when essentially these so-called journalists and hosts ... are free to basically say whatever the hell they want to?"

"How does this better inform the American people, when essentially these so-called journalists and hosts ... are free to basically say whatever the hell they want to?"

— Mark Levin

"He can apologize all he wants," he said, adding the parent company of MSNBC, Philadelphia-based Comcast, is responsible for the personalities to whom they offer airtime.


"These companies have a responsibility for who they put on the air and who they put in front of a camera, don't they? And yet they don't seem to, do they?" he said.

On his program Tuesday, O'Donnell claimed a source close to the Frankfurt-based bank said some Trump loans were cosigned by oligarchs and billionaires close to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

On Wednesday, Trump attorney Charles Harder sent a letter to the network demanding a retraction.