Mark Levin blasts critics of Trump's Iran strike: 'Our enemies are rooting for the Democrat Party'

Conservative commentator Mark Levin said Monday that America's enemies are rooting for the Democratic Party to win the 2020 election over President Trump.

On his radio program "The Mark Levin Show," Levin called the Democrats an "evil force" in the history of the United States.

"With certain exceptions," he admitted. "But, it's been an evil force and it still is."


In reference to last week's killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, the "Life, Liberty & Levin" host urged his listeners to remember that "the same Democrat Party that claims to be tough on Russia and upset with Trump over Ukraine immediately comes to the defense of a terrorist."

"They pretend they don't, but they do and they are because now they're trying to tie the commander-in-chief's hands," he said.

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham told Fox News Tuesday that President Trump ordered the takedown of Soleimani by U.S. forces at Baghdad International Airport after the administration obtained intelligence claiming Soleimani was plotting to kill American diplomats and military personnel in the region.

The decision was met with condemnation from most Democrats -- some of whom alleged that the president had attacked a foreign military leader to distract Americans from the impeachment process in the House of Representatives.

In addition, many were frustrated that the president did not notify Congress before conducting the airstrike.


"Who do you think Iran wants to win the election?" Levin asked. "Donald Trump or the Democrats?"

"Our enemies are rooting for the Democrat Party. They'd love nothing more than Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders or Mike Bloomberg, as he disarms the American people," he said.

"It's unequivocal," Levin added. "There is no debate. They hate the country because you, the voter, won't give them power."

"The unpatriotic America-hating Democrat Party -- look, if you Democrats disagree with me, you need to change your leadership," he advised. "Don't look at me. You've got leaders from New York and San Francisco and LA...Get some real, decent, American-supporting politicians in there."

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