Marc Thiessen: Bloomberg has a powerful message to Dems consumed by 'Trump derangement'

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg has a "powerful message" to Democratic voters who have been consumed by "Trump derangement," Fox News contributor Marc Thiessen said Wednesday.

Appearing on "America's Newsroom" with host Ed Henry, Thiessen said Bloomberg is trying to "steal or win" the "electability lane" that fellow candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden may have relinquished.

"He wants to make the case that he is the most electable Democrat, which is a very powerful message in a party that's completely consumed by Trump derangement. They just want to get rid of Donald Trump, they don't care who it is that will do it," said Thiessen.


Despite a series of controversial comments over the last couple of weeks, Bloomberg qualified for Wednesday night's ninth presidential debate in Las Vegas, Nev., after a recent surge in his poll numbers.

The former mayor earned 14 percent national support in an ABC News/Washington Post poll released Wednesday morning, placing him third behind Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Biden. Bloomberg registered above Biden with a second-place 19 percent tally in an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll released Tuesday.

Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Sanders said that while they believed they could not defeat Bloomberg on the airwaves because of his massive marketing – and spending – effort, they could do so on the debate stage, where, Thiessen notes, "the playing field is even."

Thus far, Bloomberg has spent more than $400 million on his campaign, mainly in delegate-rich Super Tuesday states.

"When they say he can't buy an election, all they're doing is pointing to the fact that he's got $2 billion he is willing to spend to defeat Donald Trump," Thiessen remarked.


"They have to stop going after him for buying an election and start going after him for the fact that he can't win over these African-Americans and what he said about farmers," he told Henry.

"These are the things that make him vulnerable because they specifically show he is alienating the exact group of voters that abandoned them in 2016 and they need to win back if they want to beat Donald Trump," he urged.

Fox News' Tyler Olson contributed to this report.

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