"Outnumbered" panelist Lisa Boothe said on Thursday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s, D-Calif., behavior is a reaction to President Trump overcoming several attempts by Democrats to make an impeachment case.

“The reason why we’re seeing the reaction from Speaker Pelosi is [because] Democrats are losing right now and President Trump and Republicans are winning,” Boothe said on the Fox News show.

“They tried to take him down on Mueller and Russia and lost. They tried to take him down on Ukraine and lost. You look at the latest Gallup polls, President Trump’s approval ratings are up 10 since October alone,” Boothe said.


“For the first time since 2005, Republicans have passed the 50 percent threshold and margin for approval — now at 51 percent.”

Pelosi fired back at Trump on Thursday morning as the two clashed the day after the president’s historic acquittal in his Senate impeachment trial.

"You’re impeached forever, you are never getting rid of that scar,” Pelosi declared at a press conference, even as Trump took a series of victory laps.

Pelosi condemned Trump's State of Union address as appalling and called his behavior at Thursday's earlier National Prayer Breakfast inappropriate, reflecting a severely damaged relationship that leaves little opportunity for working together in the future.

“He shredded the truth with his speech. He’s shredding the Constitution with his conduct and I shredded his state of mind address," she said of famously ripping up his State of the Union address on national TV.


Pelosi’s remarks are the latest in a theatric tit-for-tat amid a seminal week that included Trump’s acquittal on two impeachment articles, his defiant State of the Union address and the messy Democratic Iowa Caucuses kicking off the race to take him on in November.

“You look at what happened on Monday night with Iowa, they’re trying to run a country and they can’t even run a caucus and at the same time you have President Trump on Tuesday night touting huge victories whether it’s trade deals like the USMCA, China as well — the economy is booming,” Boothe said.

Pelosi ripped up Trump's State of the Union speech in dramatic fashion Tuesday night saying she couldn't find a word of truth on the pages, and she continued to rail against the address on Thursday.

Fox News’ Marisa Schultz contributed to this report.