U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham told Martha MacCallum on "The Story" on Thursday night that the "most inhumane thing going on right now in America, is the men and women of the Border Patrol have been completely abandoned."

GRAHAM: So, all I can say is what Biden has done is he surrendered the border to drug cartels, coyotes, and human smugglers, he’s surrendered Afghanistan to the terrorists, the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and a major attack is going to come our way. Because the combination of allowing Afghanistan to fall back in terrorist’s hands and having a completely open and broken border here in the United States, it’s a matter of time that the terrorists come through the border to kill us. Here’s what I want to say to the American people. The man on horseback is there to protect your family. The people rushing our border have put us all under siege. And I think the most inhumane thing going on right now in America is the men and women of the Border Patrol have been completely abandoned, demagogued, scapegoated and treated like dirt by elected officials and the Democratic Party and this administration. So, I’m not unhappy, I’m p---ed. Secretary Mayorkas needs to resign. He’s completely incompetent. The border is not closed. It’s been surrendered.