Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore declared Tuesday that al Qaeda founder Usama bin Laden "won" because the United States is in disarray two decades after the terror leader attempted to eliminate the American dream. 

"In death, he is able to see the fruits of his labor. We, his mortal enemy, are in disarray, seriously at war with ourselves," Moore wrote.  "It is the first time that a species has decided to eliminate itself. That’s real terrorism."

Moore penned a Substack entry titled, "In The End, Bin Laden Won," with a subhead declaring, "He couldn’t have done it without us." The filmmaker began by explaining that he met with the Taliban-led government of Afghanistan in 1999 to help understand the group two years before the tragic attacks of September 11, 2001. 


Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore declared Tuesday that al Qaeda founder Usama bin Laden "won" because the United States is in disarray.

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore declared Tuesday that al Qaeda founder Usama bin Laden "won" because the United States is in disarray.

"My diplomatic mission with the Taliban ultimately failed. Afghanistan would soon turn on us by giving safe haven to the multimillionaire son of one of the richest families in Saudi Arabia," he wrote, referring to bin Laden. 

Moore explained that bin Laden wanted to devastate America, and did just that with the 9/11 attacks. Moore then noted that bin Laden had a "bonkers fundamentalist belief system with a well-designed political strategy," and sought to wipe out the American dream by bankrupting the nation financially, politically and spiritually. 

"He also wanted to neuter our military and show the world that we could be defeated by men in caves who possessed nary a single fighter jet, or a Blackhawk helicopter or a can of napalm to their name. He knew it would be easy to make us impotent," Moore wrote. 


Moore feels bin Laden and his loyalists were "mad geniuses" who knew exactly what they were doing on 9/11 but the "real tell" of his prescience was how he knew America would engage in a 20-year war as a result. 

"How did he know we would be so obsessed with him — to such an extent where we would massively, cruelly neglect the needs of our own people, denying them help like free health care — and instead, take their homes from them to pay off the hospital bills," Moore continued. "Was it really about the 3,000 dead that made us occupy Afghanistan for 20 years? I mean, c’mon, we’ve lost 3,000 on many days during this pandemic and no one is going to read their names every year at some memorial. And, no, we’re not invading the bat market in Wuhan. Hopefully not."

Moore explained that "Bin Laden had our number" and came away victorious despite being killed by Navy SEALs in 2011. 

U.S Navy SEALs successfully killed Al Qaeda leader in Pakistan in 2011.

U.S Navy SEALs successfully killed Al Qaeda leader in Pakistan in 2011.

"Killing him, disbanding al Qaeda, may have made it look like we won. But in death, he is able to see the fruits of his labor. We, his mortal enemy, are in disarray, seriously at war with ourselves. Violence looms with us every day," Moore wrote before evoking the controversial Texas abortion law. "Men, angry men, violent men, have now won the right to force the majority gender into giving birth against their will — birth slaves, who will now have no say of their own. SHUT UP AND PUSH! PUSH!!"  


Moore wasn’t finished. 

"Usama, are you happy now?" he continued. "We were never ‘great’ as the MAGA hats proclaimed, but we were good, we were, at least, most of us, trying. Of course the Black and Brown people know that’s not entirely true. They know that they may just have to save themselves and deal with us in the way we’ve dealt with them. Don’t worry white people — we’ve got 340 million+ guns in our homes! That’ll hold us for a while."

The liberal filmmaker then declared Americans never bothered to fight the two "true" terror threats: Capitalism and climate change. 

"It is the first time that a species has decided to eliminate itself. That’s real terrorism, and while we may not be able to turn back now, we can at least get a grip on ourselves, halt the deluge, stop the greed, close the income inequality gap, reduce our glutinous consumption and eliminate the profit motive," he wrote. "If we do that, bin Laden will have lost. And we may then learn to love and share the wealth and live in peace with each other. That would be the best way to commemorate 9/11."