On this week's "Life, Liberty & Levin," host Mark Levin was interviewed by "Fox & Friends Weekend" host Pete Hegseth about his new book "American Marxism," and how the book serves as a warning for what may be to come under President Joe Biden and the Congressional Democrat majority.

Levin, a former president of the Leesburg, Va.-based Landmark Legal Foundation and Reagan Justice Department official, said Marxism endures as a philosophy on the far left more than 100 years after its namesake's death because it appeals to people who want to blame others for their problems.

"I've thought about this and I discussed it a little bit in the book. There have been so many books written about Karl Marx," he said. "I think there's a couple of reasons for this."

One group Marxism appeals to, Levin said, is "people who do not take responsibility for their own lives."

 "So they can blame society. They can be viewed by themselves as victims, as oppressed," Levin said.

"[For them,] there's really no personal responsibility or personal accountability. They have no real connection to society."

Because these individuals do not feel the need to contribute to society, a political ideology that relies on seizing resources from producers and giving it to others is appealing, Levin said.

"And so, people who are successful need to be dragged down. People who are happy need to be sad. People who are productive need to be less productive," he said, calling the collective result "sheer destruction."

Marxism, Levin added, also can be seen in the Democrats' endeavor to rip down public statuary and erase historical figures from education curricula.


Marx believed that history starts ‘today’ and that "rejecting past history" is the key to a purportedly equitable society.

"It's all anti-humanism. The world begins today," the Fox News host stressed.

The second major group of adherents to American Marxism is the "fanatics" and people who crave power – which in turn means they must quash individual liberty to be able to control individuals, Levin said.

"These are diabolical people. And many of them are tenured professors other than our mouthpieces on television and radio," he said. "Some of them are elected from the state of Vermont," a veiled reference to Socialist Sen. Bernard Sanders.

Levin points out that American proponents of Marxism, especially those on campuses, claim "real" or "authentic" Marxism or socialism has never been tried, despite failures such as the Soviet Union.

"Despite all the examples of how horrendous and inhumane Marxism and its offshoots have been – 100 million dead and God knows how many billions enslaved – you know, 'It just wasn't done the right way,'" Levin said.