Lawrence Jones describes confrontation with Black Lives Matters protesters at 'New York CHAZ'

'All the people that were supposed to be there for black lives didn't want a black reporter out there'

Fox News contributor Lawrence Jones joined "Hannity" Wednesday for a live report from the site of New York City's Occupy City Hall protest, where he and his crew were "attacked" by demonstrators earlier in the day.

"Before we decided to do this live shot, our camera crew, our security were attacked by these people. Now, I've covered a lot of protests. I've covered a lot of BLM, Occupy Wall Street," Jones told host Sean Hannity. "This may be the worst sight that I've ever seen. it's complete lawlessness."


Hundreds of protesters have continued their occupation of the area around City Hall -- which Jones described as "New York CHAZ" -- following Tuesday night's City Council vote that included $837 million in budget cuts and funding reallocations from the New York Police Department.

Jones then played a clip of people he described as Black Lives Matters protesters asking him to leave the area.

"You need to leave," one male protester told Jones, attempting to to cover a camera lens with his hand. "You need to get out right now."

Jones told the protester not to touch him before asking the protester and a female companion, "Are you out here for black lives?" The pair declined to answer the question.

"All the people that were supposed to be there for black lives didn't want a black reporter out there reporting on the facts," Jones told Hannity.


"But the question that we're asking, Sean," Jones continued, "is why isn't the rest of the press reporting on the violence, the the fact that this is funded by outside groups? We've even seen [graffiti reading] 'Death to America.' Now, you may remember that from the [Ayatollah of Iran]. We saw cops depicted as pigs.

"The only reason why we're able to do this shot, Sean, is because law enforcement is literally right behind us," Jones said. "But on the other side, they decided to use intimidation tactics to keep us from doing this live shot here today."

Fox News' David Aaro contributed to this report.