Laura Ingraham criticized the criteria used by governors across the United States to determine essential businesses during the coronavirus pandemic.

"We hope and pray the reopening does go well. But now that we've moved past the immediate hospital crisis, it's time we think hard about what these state leaders have done in the name of safety," Ingraham said on "The Ingraham Angle." "Now, from the outset, without the involvement of state legislatures, governors told us what was and what was not essential. So only essential businesses could remain open."


"Liquor stores, pot dispensaries, abortion facilities, pet and garden stores. Essential," Ingraham said. Churches, gyms, schools, basketball, tennis courts, playgrounds. Not essential. So what criteria were used?"

Ingraham gave her own list of what is really essential.

"Number one, better experts, Ingraham said. "It's time to clear out the cobwebs. Why are people who screwed up so badly in the past still in their jobs in the private and public sector?"

The host then moved on to "civil liberties."

"Freedom to associate. Freedom to worship. Freedom of speech. Freedom to disagree with the prevailing winds," Ingraham said. "All these rights are inalienable."

Ingraham's list grew to include "teaching the Constitution and a "prosperous economy" as essential.

"Democrats answer is socialism and that's only going to bring misery," Ingraham said. "We've seen it across the globe over the decades. "

"Science that isn't infected by money or politics is essential" Ingraham declared.

"From climate change to COVID-19. We've seen far too many members of the permanent medical establishment maybe compromise, or at least the appearance of being compromised by ties to Big Pharma or maybe even their own political proclivities," Ingraham said. "That has to end. That has to end in order for more Americans to trust new vaccines, other treatments, or even just their point of view on issues."


Finally, Ingraham said the American people were essential.

"Your voices, your hard work, your devotion to family, to your faith, to playing by the rules. This is your government," Ingraham said. "They work for you. Never let them forget that you've always had more good sense than most of the so-called experts out there who want to order you around and enjoy it. Keep punching back. Keep questioning. Don't be afraid."