If presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wins the election in November, he will be no more than a figurehead for the radical left, "The Ingraham Angle" host Laura Ingraham asserted Wednesday night.

According to Ingraham, while "Never Trumpers" and mainstream Democrats have tried to convince independent voters that a Biden victory would return America back to some sense of normalcy, nothing could be further from the truth.


"Now, all you need to do is watch –­ I don't know –­ three to four minutes of Biden speaking live on almost any subject and you'll know he's extremely weak," she pointed out.

"Now at best, he'll be a figurehead president. And, without the physical, mental, or intellectual strength to stand up to the radicals on the left, whatever sense he had will be quickly overwhelmed," Ingraham predicted.

The host warned that that, while liberals on the left with the most "abolish America elements" are "emboldened" because of the Black Lives Matter movement, Biden would not be able to stand up to their "cultural power" and ideology

Ingraham noted that former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were able to stand up to their "cultural Marxists," but said Biden has "no such aura."

"They're going to treat him as they would treat someone like, I don't know, Ralph Northam," she exclaimed, referring to the governor of Virginia. After pressure from protesters, Northam recently announced he would remove one of the country's most iconic monuments to the Confederacy — a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee. Now, Northam is going to court over it.

Biden would also give the far-left Democrats what they want, Ingraham argued, because he does not have the "courage" to stand up to them.

The Fox News primetime host cautioned that once the "hard left" got power, they would make Americans "suffer through intimidation and bullying campaigns."

A part of a large group of protesters gather around the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee on Monument Avenue near downtown in Richmond, Va., on June 2, 2020. (AP Photo/Steve Helber, File)

A part of a large group of protesters gather around the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee on Monument Avenue near downtown in Richmond, Va., on June 2, 2020. (AP Photo/Steve Helber, File)

"Disagree with them and you'll be branded a racist. And, if you're black and you disagree with them, you're just an Uncle Tom," she added.

Ingraham also warned that in a Biden administration those who have a "traditional view" of history or of religion would be ousted from society and "marked for judgment" — and the toppling of statues would be the least of America's problems.


"The idea that a President Biden would return America to some quaint imagined past if a dangerous fantasy," Ingraham remarked. "If he wins, the hard left wins. And that means that the culture wars are going to get a lot worse than they are right now. His administration [would] use the full reach of the executive branch to torment all political and cultural enemies."

"Their aim is to pull down our whole culture," she concluded.