"Donald Trump never got the chance to breathe as president," Laura Ingraham argued Thursday, telling her viewers that "Democrats, deep staters and Never Trump grifters ... did everything in their power ... to drive him out of office long before he was sworn in.

"They illegally surveilled his campaign, smeared him as a Russian agent, forced him to spend millions of dollars in legal fees, threatened his family, dragged out the ridiculous Mueller investigation, impeached him for talking to the president of Ukraine," recounted "The Ingraham Angle" host. 

"When all that failed, they moved on to blaming him for COVID, then for the riots after George Floyd's death," she continued. "And every step of the way, the small-minded men and women who make up the American left and the American press corps were complicit."

After the president "refused to suck up to them like so many other politicians," Ingraham continued, "reporters and producers who were once kind of semi-reasonable just became complete and utter partisan hacks."

That dynamic, she claimed, led the mainstream media to "engage in a massive cover-up for Joe Biden's family, which had profited handsomely from his son Hunter's unusual business dealings abroad."

Even as media outlets sought to dismiss and downplay the New York Post's reporting about documents purportedly found on Hunter Biden's laptop in October, Ingraham said, "they knew that Hunter was a sleazebag trying to profit off his father's high-powered government position. They knew that these emails potentially put Joe Biden's candidacy at risk in a close election."

However, she continued, "they either didn't cover it at all, or they went to their Trump-era default mode: They blamed Russia."


"You got to hand it to these people," Ingraham said. "They play for keeps, ethics and truth be damned.

"They couldn't risk any negative story on Biden getting any traction in October. They lied and they covered it up. They maligned real reporters who are actually doing their jobs, and they left American voters in the dark to protect their feeble candidate," she concluded. "And now they expect us to see them as a check on the Biden administration?"