Laura Ingraham claimed in her "Ingraham Angle" monologue Tuesday that Democratic governors, local officials and school authorities are more focused on their own political goals than the interests of students and their parents.

Ingraham raised the case of Fairfax County in Northern Virginia, where officials have offered parents an ultimatum. They can choose two days of in-school education (with "independent study and work" on the remaining days) or four days of online. They must make their choice by July 15 and they cannot change their preference after that date.

"So what are parents who work outside of the home supposed to do?" asked Ingraham before playing a clip of Schools Superintendent Scott Braband, saying that he hopes "communities of faith and nonprofits" can fill that void and "support families"

"Let's get this straight," Ingraham responded. "It's too dangerous for kids to congregate in class and learn and interact with each other, but it's OK for them to congregate in church basements. What?"

"They talk about what is reckless -- like 'opening' is reckless," she later said. "Well, stealing face-to-face education is reckless."

"As usual," she added. "If you're looking for culprits in the schools regarding the lame, biased curriculum or waffling [on] the question of reopening, the road always leads back to the Democrats' fiercest, most loyal donors: the teachers' unions."

Ingraham quoted Fairfax Education Association head Kimberly Adams, who said over the weekend that "a vaccination or a widely available treatment for COVID-19 is necessary before a full return to in person instruction can be achieved safely."

"Hey, news flash again," Ingraham responded. "Anthony Fauci has to admit we might not ever have a vaccine. So should kids just be kept out of school forever? This is ludicrous."

The host said that American families should not look to the Democrats for help, accusing presumptive presidential nominee Joe Biden as being "bought and paid for" by teachers' unions.


"He will rubber-stamp whatever they decide," she said before dismissing a claim by American Federation of Teachers head Randi Weingarten that substantial new funds are needed to clean school facilities pay more teachers, and purches buy more buses and personal protective equipment.

"Does anyone buy anything that that woman says?" Ingraham asked. "Is that all the taxpayers will be funding by the way; disinfectants and the cleaning crews? And how do we know that money will be any enough?"

"A vote for Biden," the host warned, "puts teachers unions first and it is a vote for more shutdowns, government edicts and controls."