Laura Ingraham went after Democrats Monday for dragging their feet in re-opening the country, causing economic injury to low-skilled workers who could not work from home. She further accused the party of "bringing down the economy for the rest of us."

Ingraham noted that major Democratic cities – such as New York and Los Angeles – have unemployment rates of over 10%, whereas the national average is just over 5%. 

Accountants, lawyers and other highly skilled workers were able to transition to home, according to a Bloomberg report. It noted that the pandemic restrictions were "crushing" workers who don't have the luxury of working remotely. 

Ingraham said such an outcome was easily predictable but the "smug COVID enforcers" – such as Dr. Anthony Fauci – didn't consider it.

"Anyone with a little bit of gray matter upstairs should have seen this freight train of unemployment coming. So harmful and so unnecessary," she said. 

About the massive trillion-dollar packages that are currently looming through Capitol Hill, Ingraham said, "We don’t need any of it."

"Most of the U.S. economy is doing fine," she said. "The Blue Cities simply need to fully reopen, bring everyone back to work – just as we’ve been saying for months.  There is plenty of pent-up demand out there, and plenty of job opportunities for people just getting started in the workplace."

Ingraham added that she was appalled by the Democratic talking points in defense of the bill, that the multi-trillion-dollar legislative package will not cost because it will be "paid for." 

Democrats are promoting the expansive reconciliation bill, which includes a series of social reforms; but the bill has caused a fracture within the party. The multitude of views from progressives to moderate Democrats within the party have caused a series of roadblocks in negotiations. Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin stated that his spending limit was $1.5 trillion. On the other side, Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said he wants to spend $3.5 trillion to be the minimum. 

Ingraham said "of course … Biden is on board with these lunatics," i.e. the radical left.

"The Democrats are headed for a wipeout in next year’s Congressional elections. They know this. They know Biden is a failure, and that Harris is worse. So they are trying to borrow and tax as much as possible right now – even though our only economic problems result from the foolish intransigence of their own mayors and governors.  And as they get closer to defeat, they’ve become more unstable."


Ingraham believes the massive spending is intended to boost the Democrats' chances of winning elections. She said they are "desperate" amid "watching their dream to control Americans" slip away. 

"The Democrats are right to think that this spending debate is their last chance," she said. "It’s their last chance to show that they haven’t been completely taken over by the loony Left. It’s their last chance to show that they still believe in our basic economic system. It’s their last chance to encourage that we return to normal. If they don’t take it – if they keep pushing for trillions of dollars in waste that will spur inflation and hurt Americans even more – the voters will know whom to blame."